Wonder why fierce and adamant New Year’s Resolutions usually fail with 98% regaining all their lost weight plus?

I’ve been treating overeaters for more than 30 years and find that a more realistic approach than swearing off with “just say no” is needed.

Firm resolve doesn’t work without examining our underlying self destructive tendencies and gently welcoming the part of ourselves that resists change.

We always insist that we definitely want to lose the weight, but why do we put it back on so quickly?  It is because that smaller, gentler, less sure or competent self needs comforting to continue to “keep on keep’n on.”

After an early life of childhood obesity and compulsive overeating, I and many others have managed to maintain large weight losses and normal, healthy bodies.  We need to keep turning to fellow sufferers for nurturance, support, and wisdom, and keep what Buddhists call “beginner’s mind.”  This idea is presented in an entertaining and humorous way in my new book FROM BAGELS TO BUDDHA,  How I Found My Soul and Lost My Fat.

I hope you’ll join me over the next two weekends, facing the waning of New Year’s resolutions and getting a perfect recharge for your commitments to yourself.

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